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How to activate Suyool Global eSIM on iPhone?

Have an iPhone that supports eSIM and bought a Suyool Global eSIM? Follow the steps below to activate it: 

 Once purchased, save the QR of your eSIM to your photos or take a screenshot of the screen.

 Open your settings app.

 Tap on “Cellular” & “Add eSIM”.

 Choose "Use QR Code".

 Tap on "Open Photos" & select the saved QR picture.

 Label & choose your primary line to call or send messages and iMessage & FaceTime.

 Choose the eSIM plan as your default line for Cellular Data. 
⚠️ Do not turn on ‘Allow Cellular Data Switching’ to prevent charges on your other line.

 Tap on the eSIM purchased & make sure the data roaming is toggled on.


You can also check out the Youtube Tutorial here: 


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